How To Refresh Your Bath Towels


    You can refresh your bath towels with just 2 ingredients.  This process will strip the residue that has built up and cause them to be fresh and practically new again. You will notice they absorb better as well.

    How To Refresh Your Bath Towels ?  This process will strip the residue that has built up and cause them to be fresh and practically new again.  #refresh #bathtowels

    I am so glad that I found this house hold tip on pinterest.  After a while, towels start to have a build up of softeners & laundry soap. This causes them to no longer absorb like they did when you first purchased them. You may even start noticing an odor that is not so pleasant after a while, too.


    How can you refresh them once this happens? Simple solution to follow….

    Run them through a wash cycle with only hot water & 1 cup of white vinegar. Do not add soaps!

    Then run them through again. This time using hot water and 1/2 cup baking soda. Again, do not use soaps!

    Repeat procedure as needed.

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