
Gardening related Posts. Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. In gardens, ornamental plants are often grown for their flowers, foliage, or overall appearance; useful plants, such as root vegetables, leaf vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

DIY Miracle Grow
DIY Miracle Grow
DIY Miracle Grow 1 gallon of water1 tbsp epsom salt1 tsp baking soda1/2 tsp of Household ammonia. Mix all ingredients together and use once a month on...
  LEARN HOW TO MAKE THIS BEACHY, DIY SHELL PLANTER. Some basic supplies you’ll need: Terra cotta pots (buy varying sizes if you wish!) Seashells (pick something somewhat flat & uniformed in size) Glue...
Now Or Later Peas
Now Or Later Peas
 Snow and Shell Peas on the Same Plant. This unique new variety allows you to pick peas early for slender, crisp and stringless snow peas or wait till later...
Learn how to grow your own fresh herbs at home!
How to Grow Your Own Herbs for Cooking
The next time a recipe calls for fresh basil, skip the poor substitute of dried basil, forgo the last-minute dash to the supermarket for some overpriced wilted basil, and...
Grow Strawberries in Rain Gutters
  The flavor of a store-bought strawberry can never compare to the flavor of a homegrown strawberry, but not everyone has room to plant a garden. Fortunately, you can convert...
Planting Seeds in Eggshells
Planting seeds in Eggshells
When it’s time to transplant the young plants outdoors, place them in the soil, eggshell and all. Crush the eggshells a bit and they will provide nourishment to...
Organic Vegetable Garden Tip
Finely chop citrus rinds and sprinkle them on the mulch in your garden, they keep the neighborhood cats, dogs, and other critters away from your veggies.  I guess the animals...
Expert advice on how to choose the best plants, containers, and accessories for your indoor and outdoor miniature gardens.  Want to create a miniature garden with living plants? This...
5 DIY Composting Techniques
As a gardener and urban farmer you come to appreciate and treasure compost, or as I affectionately call it, “Black Gold”. Composting itself is actually pretty easy and there are...
Grow Roses in Spuds
First of all, I had no idea you could grow a rose bush just from the trimmings of another bush. I love all of this new found information I’ve never...

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Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad Recipe: Easy & Delicious (Perfect for Parties!)
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