Valentine’s Pets: DIY Natural Frozen Dog Treats

These are some of my absolute favorites! I was looking for a charming way to reward my dog Freddie, and he really adored this natural frozen dog treats. I hope this is okay with you!

The ease with which these sweets may be prepared and kept makes them all the more appealing. They call only few ingredients, all of which are entirely natural, and may be prepared in huge quantities that can then be stored in a freezer bag.

DIY Natural Frozen Dog Treats

Valentine’s Pets: DIY Natural Frozen Dog Treats
I just finished making these! Dog was crazy over them. If you want the peanut butter to be simpler to remove, I suggest placing it in the centre of the sandwich. Image source: 17apart
This year, in celebration of Valentine’s Day and our favorite member of the family who has four legs, we dug out the heart-shaped ice tray from Ikea and used it to make some incredibly easy and all-natural frozen goodies for our dog.

Because peanut butter and Greek yogurt are two of Basil’s most beloved treats, we decided to put a fun spin on the frosty paws dish that we normally prepare for him and came up with this recipe.

Natural Frozen Dog Treats Recipe

We’ve discovered that Basil really enjoys cold goodies, and when they are frozen, it takes our big man a little bit longer to consume them.

The staff at the doggy daycare where we take our pets really shared with us one of their time-honored tips, which is to place a peanut butter-filled kong toy in the freezer in order to make it last twice as long.

This recipe was adapted from 17apart

Equipments needed to prepare for this Dog Treats
Recommended Ice Tray
Natural Frozen Dog Treats Recipe Ingredients
Recommended Ingredients

Natural Frozen Dog Treats Recipe Instructions

Place a little quantity of natural peanut butter in the bottom of the ice cube tray using a spoon.

You might want to heat the peanut butter first, as this will make it more manageable to spoon it in.

If you add more, the sweets’ top layer will end up seeming more substantial as a result.

You may experiment with different quantities to achieve a wide range of diverse outcomes.
DIY Natural Frozen Dog Treats recipe instructions

The next step is to top the peanut butter in each mold with a layer of organic Greek yogurt using heaping spoonfuls of the yogurt.
DIY Natural Frozen Dog Treats recipe instructions
Make sure the molds are full of yogurt by pressing down on them with the back of a spoon. This will help the peanut butter and yogurt in the final treat stick together.

You can even “drop” the tray a few times in a soft way to help it settle more.

If there is too much yogurt in any of the molds, remove it gently with a spoon until the mold is full, then put the molds in the freezer for at least 4 hours.
Natural Frozen Dog Treats Recipe Instructions

Once the goodies have frozen, remove the tray and pop the frozen treats out individually.

You are going to adore how the peanut butter layer lends some texture and depth to the overall appearance while yet appearing imperfect.

Natural Frozen Dog Treats Recipe Instructions
Your dog most certainly felt the love, and he or she has been loving these tasty goodies that are bite-sized.

You can simply switch things up by adding in additional of your dog’s favorite components, such as dog treats that have been ground up or even oats.

Natural Frozen Dog Treats Recipe Instructions

And in case anyone was wondering, even though we developed them with the intention of using them as treats for pets, you could easily use them as a protein-packed snack for yourself.

Make them more palatable by mixing some of them in a dish with some raw honey.