How To Clean Stainless Steel Appliances


    Stainless steel appliances look great in the kitchen, but they're prone to showing hard water marks and fingerprints.

    Stainless steel appliances look great in the kitchen, but they’re prone to showing hard water marks and fingerprints.

    For regular, daily cleaning, simply use water and soap (or dish detergent) along with a microfiber cloth. Be sure to dry the area — with a second cloth — after wiping to avoid water spots and the minor corrosive effects of the minerals in the water.

    Between the soap-and-water combo and the vinegar-and-oil wipes, you don’t really need much more than that.

    How To Clean Stainless Steel Appliances
    • Vinegar (in a spray bottle)
    • Microfiber cloth
    • Mineral oil (or other oil of your choice ( I use olive oil )
    1. Spray your appliance with vinegar.
    2. Wipe it down, make sure to go with the grain.
    3. Put your oil a little bit at a time and use microfiber cloth and wipe with the grain