All of the profiles have a 100% Job Success Score and all of them billed this hours for their independent projects.
Most interestingly, All of them were active within last 2 weeks, and their hourly rate is $60 per hour and above.
Independent Web Developer from Upwork

I found 25 freelancers in this Search but here I’m listing only 10 from the top of the list.
01 Ron Zvagelsky

As of July 2022, He is an independent web developer and a Top rated freelancer at Upwork who has 100% Job Success score, has billed 32,398 hours and completed 836 projects. Still now he earned $2M+ from Upwork.
At this moment, He has 117 jobs in progress! His hourly rate is $75.00.
Ron Zvagelsky’s Upwork Profile
02 John Kevin B.
That means he has all long time clients. His hourly rate is $66.67.
John Kevin’s Upwork Profile
03 Yauheni Z.
He is also a Top rated freelancer from Upwork who has 100% Job Success score. His hourly rate is $87.50.
Very interestingly, I found, he worked for 3,469 hours for his last project with the rate of $40/hr and earned $1,37,886!
Yauheni’s Upwork Profile
04 Oleg G.
He is also a Top rated Upwork freelancer and has a 100% Job Success score. 7 jobs in progress on his hand an he billed 111 hours for his last project within Sep 2016 with $66.67 per hour rate and earned $7,367.
Oleg’s Upwork Profile
05 Stephen K.
He is also a Top rated freelancer from Upwork who has 100% Job Success score, worked for 4,188 hours and completed 38 jobs. His hourly rate is $80.
Stephen’s Upwork Profile
06 Tomasz S.
He is also a Top rated freelancer from Upwork who has 100% Job Success score, worked for 6,435 hours and completed 28 jobs. His hourly rate is $80.
Tomasz’s Upwork Profile
07 Alexander L.

He is also a top rated freelancer and independent web developer from Upwork who has 99% Job Success score, worked for 2,859 hours and completed 50 jobs. His hourly rate is $67.
Alexander’s Upwork Profile
08 Dmitry Semenov
He is also a Top rated freelancer from Upwork and independent web developer who has 100% Job Success score, worked for 5,385 hours and completed only 7 jobs. His hourly rate is $65.
Dmitry Semenov’s Upwork Profile
09 Ivan McAvinchey
His hourly rate is $75. Ivan is an Expert ColdFusion & SQL Server Developer from Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Ivan McAvinchey’s Upwork Profile
10 Michael Saucedo

He is also a Top rated freelancer from upwork who has 100% Job Success score. His hourly rate is $75.
Michael Saucedo’s Upwork Profile