How to get “Police Clearance Certificate”


    Facebook page of Dhaka Metropolitan Police – DMP has posted an article about to this topic How to get “Police Clearance Certificate” on Thursday, December 08, 2016. They described how you can get it.Police Clearance Certificate Bangladesh

    Police Clearance Certificate can be obtained easily from the one-stop service center of Dhaka Metropolitan Police HQ at 36, Minto Road, Dhaka. You can get it within on the 7th day from the date of application submission.

    They are requested to feel free to go room no-109, DMP Headquarter and Apply for your police clearance certificate. You can also contact +88 01191-006644 and +88 02-7124000. 

    maxresdefaultWhat you needed to get “Police Clearance Certificate”

    1. Photocopy your passport (First 6 pages plus any pages related to validity extension or correction of information).

    2. Every page of the photocopied passport must be attested by a First Class Government Officer. If you live abroad, this must attested by your local Bangladesh Embassy Official.

    3. BDT 500 (five hundread taka only) by using invoice named “Treasury Chaalan” from any branch of Sonali Bank or Bangladesh bank. Use this code for payment. The code must be written . The code is as follows:  1 – 2 2 0 1 – 0 0 0 1 – 2 6 8 1

    4. Write an application addressing to “The Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police”.

    5. You must state your cell phone number in the application.

    You must know your Police Station (Thaana). Sometimes, even the police officers are not sure which is the right “Thaana” you belong to.


    • Go to the DMP HQ, follow the sign for the One-Stop Service Center.
    • Submit your application.
    • Get the token.
    • Someone will contact you from the Local Police Station (Thaana) and make an appointment. You must be present at home (The address you stated in your passport) that time.
    • After physical verification, you should go back to the same place to collect the certificate. The collection date is already stated on your token.

    Important Info:

    Every thing is based on the permanent address you mentioned in your passport. So if there’s any issue with that, resolve it beforehand.

    Do carry your original passport with you when you go for the first time. They, sometimes, want to see that.