The 14-pillar design of the Padma Bridge is final


    Ultimately, the design of the 14 pillars of the Padma bridge has been finalized. The new design is given to the contractor organization of China’s main bridge construction company. The commissioning of these pillar piles will start soon after March, said several experts from the Padma bridge project.

    After installing two spans on three pillars (pole), 300 meters of Padma bridge is now visible. But due to the variation of the ground level of the river, the structure of the 14 pillars of the bridge was not finalized. But that uncertainty has been resolved now.

    The pillar is sitting on the span, on which the car will run. Photo: Manjurul Karim,
    The pillar is sitting on the span, on which the car will run. Photo: Manjurul Karim,

    Behind the story

    The Padma bridge project has been discussed in the country for several years in the allegations of corruption, financial crisis and political talks. World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Islamic Development Bank (IDB) had to pay maximum moneyfunds to the project. The World Bank has withdrawn from funding for Padma bridge project by accusing them of trying for corruption. ADB and IDB move away. Then the government took the initiative to construct this bridge in its own sense.

    9 kilometers long

    The double-decker Padma bridge is constructing between Mawa of Munshiganj and Jajira of Shariatpur. The length of the main bridge (water part) is 6.15 kilometers. If you take part of the vessel, the bridge will be about 9 kilometers long.