DIY Home Remedy for Earwax with Rubbing Alcohol and White Vinegar


This DIY Home Remedy for Earwax is actually better than some of the over-the-counter solutions you can purchase from the pharmacy.

This home remedy for earwax contains rubbing alcohol and white vinegar.

This is a great home remedy to remove built up wax from your ear. It can also be used to prevent excess wax from clogging your ear in the future.

Keep reading to find out howto make this remedy at home.

DIY Home Remedy for Earwax

DIY home remedy for earwax with rubbing alcohol is actually better than some of the over-the-counter solutions you can purchase from the pharmacy.

You’re at home and your ears feel clogged. You want to do something about it but don’t have the means to see a doctor or visit an urgent care center. What are you going to do?

Don’t worry, we’ll tell you what. Using common ingredients that are accessible in your kitchen is a great way to take care of this situation.

In this article, we will teach you how to make a safe and effective DIY home remedy for earwax with rubbing alcohol and white vinegar that is also affordable and easy to prepare.

This natural remedy will soothe your ears while removing the excess wax buildup.

Earwax and the Home Remedy

DIY Home Remedy for Earwax is actually better than some of the over-the-counter solutions you can purchase from the pharmacy.

Did you know that earwax is actually good for you? It protects your ears from bacteria and germs, as well as dirt, water, and other outside debris. However, too much of it can be problematic.

When excess earwax builds up inside the ears it may lead to a variety of problems. People who are prone to getting wax buildup in the ears should take measures to prevent this from happening.

The following DIY home remedy will help get rid of excess earwax naturally and safely by using rubbing alcohol and white vinegar.

What you need:
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • White vinegar
  • Dropper
  • Cotton ball

Rubbing Alcohol and White Vinegar

Rubbing Alcohol and White Vinegar
Rubbing Alcohol and White Vinegar. Image source: Pinterest

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, is a common household item. It is used for a variety of home cleaning and health care tasks, including treating your ears.

Rubbing alcohol can act as an exfoliant to slough off the dry, excess skin on the outside of your ear.

White vinegar has natural acids which can cut through the wax and soften it to make it easier to remove.

The rubbing alcohol and white vinegar combination in this DIY home remedy work together to break down earwax, dry the ear, fight infection and sooth the pain.

The white vinegar makes this home remedy way more effective, as white vinegar is an antimicrobial, or antibiotic and it fights infection.

How to use this DIY Home Remedy for Earwax

How to use this DIY Home Remedy for Earwax
Ear wax in kids is a common occurrence. Image: Shutterstock via Mom Junction
  1. Pour a few drops of rubbing alcohol into the palm of your hand and dab a cotton ball into the alcohol.
  2. Next, use the cotton ball to rub the outside of your ear, pressing against the ear canal.
  3. Follow this by pouring white vinegar into a dropper.
  4. Drop 2–3 drops of vinegar into your ear.
  5. Wait a few minutes before rinsing your ear with water.

Do this twice a day to treat an ear infection and clear out earwax and trapped water.

Is Rubbing Alcohol safe to put in your Ears?

According to Healthline, Three ear conditions that rubbing alcohol may be safely used for are:
1. Swimmer’s ear
2. Ear infections
3. Ear blockages

Swimmer’s ear (otitis externa) is an outer ear infection that’s commonly caused by water that stays in your ear after swimming or other water-related activities.

According to the Mayo Clinic, swimmer’s ear can also be caused by damaging the thin skin in your ear canal by putting cotton swabs, fingers, or other objects in your ear.

Final thoughts about DIY Home Remedy for Earwax

Earwax is a mixture of secretions that comes from the outermost layer of the ear canal. It acts as a moisture barrier in the ear canal.

Earwax provides protection against some types of bacteria and fungi, it can also help trap dust and small particles which, in turn, help prevent ear infections.

Most people should have some amount of earwax present within their ear canal. However, earwax can sometimes become impacted or glued together within the ear canal and can cause ear blockages.

When earwax becomes impacted or glued together, it can lead to inflammation and sensitivity, as well as hearing loss.

Although it is not possible to completely avoid earwax, there are some home remedies you can try to keep it under control.

Earwax is normally present in the middle ear, but can also accumulate in the outer ear. When earwax accumulates in the outer ear, it can cause problems.

Definitely consult your doctor before trying any of these home remedies to clean out the outer ear.